Peri Herbs + Peri Bottle + Muslin bag

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Peri Herbs + Peri Bottle + Muslin bag


Hospital bag essentials.

  • Peri Bottle

  • 25g Perineum Herbs

  • Reusable Cotton straining bag

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How to use your peri pack

You can conveniently brew your peri herbs using the birth suite, maternity unit, or home kitchen.

Place approximately ½ cup of Perineum Herbs in the muslin bag. Place the bag of herbs in a cup. Pour boiling water over the herbs and infuse until cool. 

Pour infusion into the peri bottle and top up with water to fill the bottle to the top.

How to use your peri bottle

As you urinate simultaneously spray the infusion from the peri bottle onto your urethra and vagina. This will help prevent the urine from stinging your vaginal grazes or perineum tears and support the healing process.